Stef goes a bbq-ing on Thursday evenings thus leaving me alone to twiddle my thumbs, eat my secret store of Cadbury's fruit and nut and guiltily watch films on You Tube. And while I can deny all responsibility as it wasn't
me officer that uploaded them, I still get that creepy feeling all around me that I really shouldn't be doing this, I'm taking the crusts out of the mouths of Tom Hanks* children etc and find myself peering over my shoulder all the time...because no I wouldn't steal a handbag (weeeell I admit if I saw a Hermes Kelly bag laying in the gutter I'd be terribly tempted) and I wouldn't steal a car ( because I can't drive)and video piracy is a crime although I'm sure J.Depp would get away with it - but not Orlando Bloom though eh? Yes I still own some olde englishe video tapes.
Anyway there I was sneakily watching a YT film when suddenly my lovely new little HPG62 notebook went into loud electrifying buzz mode. The screen froze solid so I tried the power off switch, no go, so I pulled the still no go? No of course not as it has a battery you old fool. My teckie capabilities exhausted, I slammed the lid shut and shook it a bit, then turned it upside down. Houston I really had a problem. Being a poking sort of person I felt around the sliding catch things on the bottom then turned it upright and of course that bloody battery fell right out onto my big toe. OMG had I broken my new computer? Had my new computer broken my toe? No. I put the battery back, plugged in, switched on and everything was fine. At first I thought ok that was divine intervention because I was doing the Bad Thing and I won't ever watch a movie on YT again; then after about 15 minutes and really
really wanting to see what happened next I decided it was just whoknowswhat and snuck back to the film. And it happened again! I didn't go back after that I'm telling you!
So what was that all about then? I am hoping and praying it was some sort of power 'thing' given that we have no earth wire, no fuses in the plugs and every socket in the house is dodgy ( welcome to 18th century Italy) so today I'm on battery power, my toes are well under the table and I'm in a galaxy far far away from YouTube.
* Oh don't be silly, you don't think I'd actually bother watching a Tom Hanks film on YT do you? I was watching a chinese musical of course........