Thursday, 30 September 2010

I haven't a THING to wear

I haven't a THING to wear
I haven't a THING to wear by frankie perry on

Dedicated to page 110 of my items where I finally found my orange shoes.


silversliver by frankie perry on

out of that draft folder, now!

Berlin, we have a problem....

Last night, finding that Shutter Island was still out (yes I am about 200 years behind the times because I live on a desert island in the middle of the Mediterranean, forgive me) Stef, in desperation, took Operation Valkyrie as the next best option.

So let's talk about Apollo 13. Apollo 13 is a film about a specific event, something that really happened, and something that happened in the life time of many of us. We know how the disaster unfolded, we know how it ended. Knowing the outcome however doesn't in any way detract from the tension - it's still an exhilarating nail biting ride from beginning to end. So why was Operation Valkyrie so endlessly boring? It was well written, well acted, well made. But I just couldn't bring myself to care because I knew that however brave these men were ( and they undoubtedly were)and however clever this plan was, in the end it was going to fail. Perhaps it's there that the difference lies - between a succesful and unsuccesful end - I don't know. Great to see Carice Van Houten in a film of this stature though, even though her part was miserably small.

As I'm on a film roll at the moment, I will just mention The Prince of Persia which we saw earlier this week. The sight of the Disney logo always makes my heart sink anyway and Jake, I love you but please don't ever do this to me - or yourself- again.

The wonderful Carice and her equally wonderful partner Sebastian..

Friday, 24 September 2010

Batman Began....

...but last night on Italia 1 he had a really hard time finishing. Just when Bruce Wayne and I were really getting it on - ayo - Coitus Interruptus! Car ads, phone company ads, what's on tomorrow/the weekend/next week, a 5 minute news headlines round up (the usual litany of murders and fatal car crashes) and by the by when I saw that Belen Rodriguez jeans ad earlier in the evening, that nipple wasn't out there was it? Another Fiat ad at a crucial moment in the film did nothing to whet or increase my rapidly diminishing appetite - at one point I almost felt like getting dressed and leaving while Batman was slipping into something more black, leathery and uncomfortable.
The official running time for Batman Begins is 140 minutes. It started at 9.10 and without ads would have finished at 11.30. As it was Christian Bale and Michael Caine didn't wander off into the rubbly sunset until after midnight. Taking out 5 minutes for the news, that leaves approximately 25 minutes of advertising. Of course I don't expect to watch any film on TV without ads. I certainly don't expect to watch anything on Mediaset without it's usual mix of self congratulatory publicity, news and weather thrown in,and in fact 25 minutes spread over 3 hours doesn't sound a lot. But when it comes between me and this particular Caped Crusader I almost feel moved to kick the screen in.Oh and yes - that was your definition of high definition Italia 1? I don't think so.

Just as well I didn't throw my sandals, a courgette or anything else at the TV though, because I wouldn' have been able to watch The Wrestler and have my guts wrenched,my heart broken and cry a river for Mickey Rourke. I never thought I'd weep over seeing someone working on a deli counter but hey that's the Power of Mickey and long may it reign.

And obviously, it was a rented dvd, in the language it was supposed to be in, and without interruption ( not counting my sniffles)

Friday, 10 September 2010

Ouch that hurt...

Stef goes a bbq-ing on Thursday evenings thus leaving me alone to twiddle my thumbs, eat my secret store of Cadbury's fruit and nut and guiltily watch films on You Tube. And while I can deny all responsibility as it wasn't me officer that uploaded them, I still get that creepy feeling all around me that I really shouldn't be doing this, I'm taking the crusts out of the mouths of Tom Hanks* children etc and find myself peering over my shoulder all the time...because no I wouldn't steal a handbag (weeeell I admit if I saw a Hermes Kelly bag laying in the gutter I'd be terribly tempted) and I wouldn't steal a car ( because I can't drive)and video piracy is a crime although I'm sure J.Depp would get away with it - but not Orlando Bloom though eh? Yes I still own some olde englishe video tapes.

Anyway there I was sneakily watching a YT film when suddenly my lovely new little HPG62 notebook went into loud electrifying buzz mode. The screen froze solid so I tried the power off switch, no go, so I pulled the still no go? No of course not as it has a battery you old fool. My teckie capabilities exhausted, I slammed the lid shut and shook it a bit, then turned it upside down. Houston I really had a problem. Being a poking sort of person I felt around the sliding catch things on the bottom then turned it upright and of course that bloody battery fell right out onto my big toe. OMG had I broken my new computer? Had my new computer broken my toe? No. I put the battery back, plugged in, switched on and everything was fine. At first I thought ok that was divine intervention because I was doing the Bad Thing and I won't ever watch a movie on YT again; then after about 15 minutes and really really wanting to see what happened next I decided it was just whoknowswhat and snuck back to the film. And it happened again! I didn't go back after that I'm telling you!

So what was that all about then? I am hoping and praying it was some sort of power 'thing' given that we have no earth wire, no fuses in the plugs and every socket in the house is dodgy ( welcome to 18th century Italy) so today I'm on battery power, my toes are well under the table and I'm in a galaxy far far away from YouTube.

* Oh don't be silly, you don't think I'd actually bother watching a Tom Hanks film on YT do you? I was watching a chinese musical of course........