Saturday 16 May 2009


I've kissed the despond of Slough goodbye for the moment as summer is trying to be official which always cheers me up and because I'm learning to fill my day with nice things. This instead of rushing, stressing and forgetting that hey I don't work anymore and it isn't absolutely necessary to try and do everything on Sunday mornings. Yes I know I've not been working for nearly seven years now but that's how hard it is to let old and long sustained habits die.

I'm having a hugely enjoyable time still on Polyvore, it really has added another dimension to life in general. I didn't realise quite how badly I needed a creative outlet and how empowering it can be to find one that fits the bill. And thanks to Lila I can now copy off my sets, save them and print them out. Ok, it's just FUN right? But I can tell you I have learned more about colour and design in the last couple of weeks than I ever did in four years at art college. True.I know feel loads more confident about creative real life stuff, to which end I went out this morning and spent another shitload of money on paints, brushes and the like. Just goes to show that idling away hours on the computer isn't a total waste of time after all.

Lila has also alerted me to the powers of Feng Shui (?? sorry I know that's wrong!)I'm hoping it's going to help me plan new colours for the apartment but one thing it has opened up is that maybe we are sleeping in the wrong room, which fits in with my original plan to move the sitting room to where the bedroom is. Well we shall see.

No news on the bloody TV. Just when I thought it was safe to start combing the shops for a new one, S gave up on giving up on the old one and rang the repair man to see if his beloved old flatron could be repaired after all. Naturally its all a different story now, the guy is now unsure if he can do the work and advised S that the cost of the repairs would buy a new tv anyways. Yes we know that and I suspect that our ( as I now realise) top of the range tv has probably already been repaired and rehomed. We shall see on that one too.

I'm currently very enamoured of Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock - two artists that I had never really thought about before. I'd like both of them on my walls, something to add to my when-we-win-the-lotto-jackpot wish list along with a dog and a caravan ( oh sorry, mobile home) in Hullbridge.

A small dark scribble on the horizon looms - the computer smells hot. I hope this doesn't foretell some kind of melt down damn.

Watched The Grudge 2 last night which scared me silly in the moment, but this morning I had forgotten I had ever seen it till S mentioned his nightmares. They don't make them like they used to. When I saw the Exorcist I stayed scared for about 20 years.

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