Saturday 28 March 2009

It's raining, it's pouring, my love life is boring me to tears....

...I've made a pizza, I've made a Bolzano Apple Cake, I've idled away a bit of time on YouTube, I've googled a few bits and pieces,there's nothing on TV, so what else can I turn to on a wet Saturday afternoon?

It's a thing with me and websites, I go to them, I think oh great then after 10 minutes I've taken anything I want from them and I'm bored. But. Oh Polyvore. So much to do and so little time. Basically this site is for putting together collections - you know like fashion stuff, shoes, dresses, etc...but honestly it's so much more and it isn't necessarily a girl thang either. I did my first collection and then went and looked around at what other people were doing and it blew me away. There is just about everything you want here but not only in terms of clothing and fashion. There is a great interior design section, there are thousands of backgrounds, accessories, objects - and if you can't find what you want you just install a PV clipper and go looking on the net. And you can bring in your own stuff - enough to have something like Photobucket and you can upload your own images to use. Then just go create an image - yes this could be done on PSP but it's so easy here- just drag and drop, flip and flop, clone and cut. The other difference here is that you have to work within a given size- this makes it an additional creative challenge because you are working within a defined frame with objects of a predefined size ( although you can stretch them out) There are also challenges and competitions - I'm not competent or brave enough for those yet, but I will be oh yes.

I could spend hours and hours on Polyvore, it's creative, it's fun and unlike wasting four hours gaming, you do at least have something to show for it at the end..

Polyvore has a blog here too.

grey kitten
grey kitten - by frankie perry on

japan1 - by frankie perry on

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