Monday 30 August 2010

Smallest Tea House of the August Moon ever..

...For some time now, my yard ( or to make it sound a bit more classy - my cortile) has been veering towards the East. I've always loved Japanese style gardens and without being really conscious of it, our patio has taken on something of that look. And when we put up the bamboo fence ( you know, the Day Before THEY Came) the whole thing just fell into place. Talking of THEM, I hear we aren't the only people in the condo who are looking at the builders with a jaundiced eye. Various people are invoking their solicitors for various reasons, I'm certainly not entertaining any thought whatsover of spending money suing their sorry asses but shall content myself with holding back part of the final payment to cover the damage to the brickwork on the ground. No respectable Tea Garden has great big concrete and primer stains on its walkways after all.
So. My idea now is to have a small water feature at the opposite end to the shed. OK a bowl of water then. No carp pond obviously as anything with any sort of vital sign doesn't live long in our garden (witness the amount of geckos I've saved or not these last few weeks). It will be a shallow basin raised off the ground, with some stones, pebbles, bamboo etc as deco, and I'm going to try and find or make something that looks like a rain chain, again just as deco. The Tea House - my new uber romantic name for the little shed - will actually be functional as we are planning to put a camping cooker in there; admittedly this mainly to boil octupus and grill squid rather than have tea ceremonies, but hey ho, lets be imaginative here.

Another decor moment occured yesterday when I spied an impressive amount of driftwood on the beach just round the corner. I kind of hinted to Himself what a wonderful find this was but He seemed relieved that it was in a totally unaccessible place and therefore beyond my grasp. You'd think wouldn't you that he'd know me better than that by now.Where there's my will, there's always a way.

Here's a lush bit of inspiration, designed by Bryan Albright and built by Rhino Rock Landscapes for the Hampton Court Flower Show Courtyard Garden category in 1995. Let's see how the Sardinian version shapes up.....

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